December 27, 2009

imperfectly perfect

the new year is around the corner and i always like to make new years resolutions, but i like to do them before the new year, so i start them early on. i believe it is important to always have a new years resolution whether its an action, emotion, or goal you set, its important to improve yourself every day of every year. i have come up with a few that i think will make me feel better but also be better to those in my life. there is always room for improvement. no one is perfect just imperfectly perfect

1. clean less : i am what you could call crazy when it comes to cleaning and organization, and i need to learn to be a little less "ocd". everyone in my life could agree with that. people think i am crazy (i don't really care), so to be a little less crazy i can handle.

2. make the conscious effort to stay in better touch with my friends near and far. i am pretty good at that because i call my besties at least twice a week, but sometimes phone tag happens and its a long standing game that can go on for weeks, and since my best friends live all over the country one living out of the country. my friends are my heart.

3. take up more pilates & yoga. over the years i have lost the flexibility in my body, and as i get older (less younger), the body handles things differently, i believe a young body equals a young mind, and being young is to me what makes life fabulous.


“a gait in which at some point all feet are off the ground at the same time” Also known as running. Running lets me go to the place where all thoughts are released and I am free from all stress, troubles, thoughts, and I can run towards all the dreams that I crave. the first two miles are the hardest and from there it gets easier, the increase of speed, means the increase of release on my mind. I don’t think running is the best thing for the body since the impact is intense on all joints and bones, but that doesn’t matter when you are running with emotion. I guess you can call me an avid runner but I only allow three miles. If I feel the need to sweat more then I allow four miles, but three is perfect. It also burns 375 calories for those three miles, it keeps me in shape in mind and body. its my release