September 9, 2009

a good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. ~Lois Wyse

that's right my best friend is coming to Dallas! i haven't seen her since we graduated in May 2007, so it's been 2 & 1/2 years. long time. i haven't seen alot of my great friends from college because we live all over the U.S., but i am super excited, i mean there are no words to how excited i am to see her. here's a little bit about our friendship. we both joined pi beta phi our sophomore years of college. we had been randomly selected to be roommates, along with another girl in our house. every semester it was house policy to switch rooms, and every time we would choose to be in a room together. our friendship grew from day one, and we really are so much alike. she is just like a sister to me. what's great is we both have amazing sisters that we are lucky to add each other into our lives. as senior year was ending, that last semester we really embraced each other, and became best friends. through some of the hardest times we were there for each other, leaned on each other, and giggled with each other. we went out together, ate jimmy johns together, got dressed together, did our hair and makeup together, gossiped together, laid on the futon together, watched every MTV show together, held each others hands through many shots of vodka. we were inseparable. i love her with all my heart, and can't wait to capture some good memories with her when she comes in town. friends aren't always easy to find, and i believe fate really gave me such an amazing best friend. thank you fate*

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